Finally I’m Online Again

After since weeks I never got online because there was internet problem at home, now I can get online using another alternative connection. It was happen since almost three weeks ago when internet connection disconnected. So I must find another alternative for me so I can get online. Maybe I’m already in internet addict or internet already become the part of my life. I could not do anything without connected to internet, my works are on the clouds.

Free-Hotspot :
I was tried to get online on a free hotspot some days ago but it wasn’t up sometimes so this place can be use as alternative place to get online. The connection quality was good enough but unfortunately it was located beside the mosque so not every people might want to be online around it’s area. But so lucky me cause I could breaking inside the router and the wifi access point so it seems like I can control it.

Final method :
Yet finally I decided to used HSDPA as my alternative connection. Using 3 (Three) GSM provider which have promotion Broadband Unlimited for 30 Days. Me using the 500 MB’s package. And for my personal use i think thats more than enough. Even tough I must hold my desire to do any files that I’d like to downloads or update.
So far the connection is quite stable, I used my Nokia N82 phone as modem and switch my primary GSM number to my second phone. I hope the connection will be stable till next weeks till I’m switched back to cable connection.

The first thing I did was listening to my streaming, so far this HSDPA could handled this. And then login to remote office, it’s quite stable. Yeeah!!

Right now still have a lot of things to do with the tasks, the work task and also the college task. Time is running so Go Amy Go….!!!

The Coin Flip

courtesy of
It’s been awhile and again and again I never have time to update this. I don’t know due on what but it seems it’s definitely the hardest part.
The hardest part was came from the pressures from inside and outer side, the lowest situation I ever faced. I know realize that it isn’t easy thing to do, and we need a lot of effort to realize that. Apparently I do realize that I shouldn’t be like this anymore and need a lot of resolution to make better meaningful life.
But there are some complicated things that I currently facing, some of them coming from the outside and some from the inside. I decided to didn’t write so detailed about this but the only thing than can portrayed this is like The Coin Flip situation. Whatever the coin side face, it’s definitely your way.

Still Me Still Busy

It’s been a long time since I didn’t update this blog anymore. Yes, it’s been uncountable times since I type this. But that was terrible me, because I didn’t have much time to spend for typing something that should I typed here because there was so many interesting things happen outside there and some part of it is unforgettable moment or it was my first time experience.
Well, today I was had my mid semester exams for Programming Algorithm and Pancasila subjects. So far I can do that test even it was not perfect, still some of parts missing.
At the Programming Algorithm subject I was seems miss calculated the value of the first section of exams that made my result become negative, when I was testing on friend computer the value of the result is 210 but me had -210 (negative sign). Confusing what’s wrong with it.
Well lets wait for the result, I hope it will get good result… 🙂
After then there are ALOT of work tasks to be finished this week!!!!! Almost of them are getting done, but the final parts is always the hardest parts, but must fight it to the death….
Today I was almost missing my mom birthday 😐 that was terrible, how do I didn’t noticed it? I thought today is still 23th :[ I hope she was disappointed by my mistake.

Amazing February

Placebo Concert Poster

Placebo Concert Poster

Well the February are almost end, however I just going to write what happen in February was. There were a lot of things happen in this Feb. Some of event that happen in this Feb, I was back home for the new Mom’s home in my hometown. The new location now is not as crowded as in Mom’s old home because the location not in front of crowded road. But if we want to go shopping to the mini market or store we need to use bicycle or motorcycle. But it’s okay 🙂 Unfortunately I wasn’t enjoyed my spent time at home because I was sick when I arrived at home in the next days.
Another big moments that happens in this Feb are, I was attending Placebo’s concert!!! It was freaking amazing concert I ever seen and saw live! I already uploaded all vids I recorded at my youtube channel. I’m still can feel the adrenaline of the concert till today, especially when I watch my own vids or listening their musics 😀
One of big deals is to finished all my tasks this month as I can!!! That’s my primary focused in the moment. Will see….

Currently listening Connie Talbot songs,….

Participating Project365

After some days ago looked at some websites about interesting that’s Project365, I decided to try participate in this events.
It seems interesting, but I don’t know if I have enough time to make a single photo a day.

First Photo 😀 :

Some gadgets I have to supporting my Project365… Hope it’ll be work well.